
Submitting to the Search Engines and WebCrawlers

  When you want your brand new site to be indexed into major search engines, you usually go to their free submit page and submit your website, correct? Seems like the right thing to do, right? Well, many people fail to realize that not submitting your site is usually better than actually submitting it. Let, me explain. All the search engines, or the MAJOR ones, for our discussion here have what are called webcrawlers. Now, webcrawlers are little programs that go out onto the web and search or "crawl" around looking for websites that are not already indexed into their databases. Google search engine is a well-known engine that does this, its webcrawler "GOOGLEBOT" crawls the web looking for "non-existent" sites that are not in their index(database). To see evidence of this, look at your stats for your website and see if Googlebot has crawled your site lately, chances are it has. -- Start SideNote -- My personal experience indicates that Google actually pref...